our certified sleep consultants

Hannah Peterson

Owner/Operator of A to Z Sleep Solutions

Pediatric Nurse

Certified Sleep Consultant

Certified Advanced Sensitive Sleep Consultant

I was born and raised in New Zealand as one of 8 children. Being in a large family I have always been around babies and children.  I became a single mum at 19, but I didn’t let that stop me from putting myself through nursing school in 2006. I graduated three years later as a registered nurse.

I was privileged to work as a community pediatric in-home nurse, doing well-child checkups and helping families have the information they needed to be prepared for their growing babies. As a pediatric nurse, my experience included, but was not limited to, breastfeeding support, nutrition support, sleep help, and many other important aspects of care.

In my spare time, I loved being a mum to my growing son, being a part of my local church, and opening my home to foster children in my local community. In the three years, I was a foster mum, I had over 80 children in and out of my home. It was a huge eye-opening experience. Although heartbreaking at times it was definitely rewarding.

I married the love of my life in 2012. Nick and I had known each other for over ten years and he lived in the United States. Once married, I started the process of migrating to the states. Once I relocated, I saw an unmet need. Many new parents were struggling to get their children to sleep. They lacked support and resources. The fatigue, frustrations, and anxiety caused by sleep struggles were eroding their homes, their jobs, and their marriages.

In 2015, I completed my training as a Baby Sleep Consultant through the international accredited Baby Sleep Consultant. In 2020 continuing my sleep training education, I received the title Advanced Sensitive Sleep Consultant, from the Institute of Sensitive Sleep Consulting.  They are also now using our REST model to help educate sleep consultant’s worldwide.  

Now, a mother of seven, including one set of twins, I am able to use all of my professional and personal experiences to give back to parents in need. This is a huge passion of mine. I set out each day to offer hope and help one family at a time by offering support to new parents, as well as even the on-going care families need to receive. 

Hannah's family
Hannah's family
Grace Lindvall - Phoenix Arizona Certified Sleep Consultant

Grace Lindvall


Glendale, Arizona

Certified Sensitive Sleep Consultant

My name is Grace Lindvall. I am a mom of 3 beautiful little loves and wife to my husband Will. Prior to joining the A to Z Sleep Team I was a teacher in the classroom for five years. I graduated from ASU in 2016 with an interdisciplinary degree, went on to teach at my alma mater high school and once our family started growing I knew it was time to make a shift. I eagerly joined Hannah’s team after having her help sleep training my daughter and realized that I LOVE the troubleshooting and configuring that it involves. One of my favorite parts of this job is being able to walk alongside parents and encourage them as we seek to get them better sleep. I firmly believe in the saying that sleep is not a privilege, but a biological right.

Savanna Fallon - Certified Sleep Consultant in Chandler Arizona.

Emma Lanza


Cape Cod and Islands

Certified Sensitive Sleep Consultant

If you asked me what I wanted to be when I was four years old it was never a ballerina dancer or astronaut. It was always a mother. I had tons of baby dolls and spent my days lovingly feeding and rocking them. The drive to become a mother never left me through college and into my early years of searching for a career. Even though I always gave it my all, nothing ever felt right or truly fulfilled me. In 2019 my dreams finally came true and my husband and I welcomed our first son. Finally I felt like I had a purpose and i dived into motherhood head first. But unfortunately, I quickly realized that all my practicing as a 4 year old with my baby dolls had not prepared me for the real thing, especially when it came to sleep. One very late and desperate night I found Hannah and she gave me my sleep and sanity back. Years later she also helped me with my daughter. 

While I was working with Hannah on my children’s sleep I developed a passion for pediatric sleep. For the first time I could see myself as more than a stay at home mom. I never wanted another mother to feel as I did during the depths of sleep depravation. My family is now living in Massachusetts on Cape Cod and I am so incredibly privileged to belong to a community that has many services to help new parents. Our greatest goal is the prevention of postpartum mood disorders. I am so excited to add my services and help my community in anyway that I can. 

 Although sleep is a biological necessity, that does not mean that it comes easy to every baby. There are so many pieces of the puzzle that need to be in place for sleep to come together. Expecting new and sleep deprived parents to figure this all out on their own is simply impossible. It is my hope that I can be a lighthouse for parents during the dark and seemingly endless nights and help them achieve all their goals. 

  • positive review  Before I hired Hannah, my wife would drive our 18-mo. daughter around town for 30-60 minutes to get her to fall asleep. At night, our daughter would wake-up after 3-4 hours. When this happened, my wife had to transfer our girl from the crib to her bed to get our girl to fall back asleep. About 3-4 hours later, our girl would be up again after getting no more than 8 hours of total sleep. This lack of sleep understandably made our daughter into a cranky little person. Night 1 w/ Hannah - our daughter fell asleep on her own within 50 minutes and she slept through the night. Night 2 w/ Hannah - she fell asleep on her own within 10 minutes. She now puts herself to sleep within a few minutes and sleeps at least 11 hours straight each night. Her mid-day naps last approximately 2 hours with no issues at all. The increased sleep translates into improved behavior, better eating habits, and improved cognitive development. Just as important, my wife is getting better sleep! This investment into our baby's sleep was a no-brainer. I did expect the consultation to yield positive results, but I was not prepared for how immediate the results would be. I am completely satisfied with this service and I gratefully endorse A to Z Sleep Solutions with Hannah. Thanks again Hannah! Sincerely, Randy Krug

    Randy Krug Avatar Randy Krug
    September 4, 2018

    My 4th child, almost 17 months, was waking as many as 6 times every night. She would not go to sleep on her own, and would not soothe herself back to sleep when she would wake. She would be full-of-energy as late as 10 or 11pm and was resisting her nap. None of my kids were good sleepers as infants/toddlers and my 7 year old still wakes every night. After 9 years of sleepless nights I just couldn't do it anymore! Having 3 other kids (9,7 & 5), it is tough to keep a tight schedule, but I was determined to get my LO in a routine. I really needed someone to outline the appropriate schedule for my child, along with an explanation as to why this schedule was important, and to hold me accountable for keeping my LO (and myself) on track. Thankfully, Kelsey Dressely @ Dream Baby was there to help me. On the 1st day my LO literally stood in her crib for a total of 6 hours between naps and bedtime, even dozing off from time-to-time, eventually falling asleep about 10pm. Day 2 was sitting and by day 3 she was letting me tuck her in. Each day she cried a little less. It's been 2 1/2 weeks and she now takes 2 naps and puts herself to sleep. She still wakes multiple times at night but is able to soothe herself back to sleep quickly. I feel like I have so much more time in my day! I wish I would have had Dream Baby for my other 3 children and would highly recommend them to anyone struggling to get their little ones to sleep!

    Kristen Tix Avatar Kristen Tix
    February 16, 2018

    Of all people, my husband told me about hiring a sleep consultant when our LO was only 4 months. I was hesitant but by 6 months I was worn out and gave in. And so glad I did. Hannah was one of the bet decisions we have ever made! My daughter would only sleep on me whether it was for naps or bedtime. I would have to stand and rock her and sometimes that would take hours and then once she would fall asleep she would wake back up 30 minutes later. Also, at night she was up every hour on the hour. Around midnight one of those nights I contacted Hannah and received a quick response. The next day we had a phone consult and within a few days we were already starting the sleep training. I chose to have Hannah come over the first night. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything right and also wanted the support of someone who had the knowledge behind all of this. After the week of text messages all day guiding me and helping me understand my baby's schedule and why we were doing what we did each day my 6 month old is actually sleeping in a crib and not on me!!!! She takes three naps a day religiously and sleeps from 7p-7:30a.. I feed her once to twice a night. I'll take that any day over the hourly feeds we were doing prior to Hannah. After one night with Hannah I was very hopefully and by the end of the first week I was overly excited to know my baby is getting the proper sleep she needs and that this mama could enjoy taking a shower again. 🙂 I highly recommend Dream Baby Sleep Consultants.

    Ilea Fratantoni Avatar Ilea Fratantoni
    July 7, 2017
  • Hannah was absolutely AMAZING! My son was just over 8 months old and wouldn't go to sleep without being bounced or rocked for at least 30 min and still would only sleep a max of 3 hr stretch. By day 3 he was putting himself to sleep and only waking up once at night. After day 5 he was sleeping a solid 12 hrs at night and actually had an amazing nap schedule! We were all much happier ! So grateful for all she did for us !!!

    Ashly Michalet Hentges Avatar Ashly Michalet Hentges
    July 12, 2016

    positive review  I bought the online toddler workshop and still need to make the time to do it buuut I can attest to Hannah Peterson helping our sanity with our little man! At 7.5 months Hobbes was waking 5-6x every night with my husband or I going in to comfort him and 2-3 of those times were me feeding him. Plus Hobbes' crying would often then wake our 4 yo daughter! We were all sleep deprived and miserable! Within a week after buckling down and following a more rigid nap schedule and bedtime and taking into account the nighttime temperature dip, Hobbes was down to only waking once for a middle of the night feed. Within another week Hobbes was sleeping through the night, a full 12 hours, night after night after glorious night! We have had a handful of middle of the night wakes with some awful sounding crying/screaming and my husband and I decided to vere off the steady course a bit and I've ended up doing a single night time feeding. However, each morning after the single wake Hobbes had a new tooth or two poking through. We did what felt right to us at the time knowing we may be throwing the "sleep training" out the window. Much to our happy surprise the nighttime wakes have only lasted 1-3 days while the tooth pokes through and then our 9 month Hobbes is back to sleeping those wonderful 12 (or sometimes even a little more) hours without waking! He's even practicing his talking or pulling to stand in the crib if he wakes before it's time for us to get him up! Thank you Hannah for helping us help our infant to sleep through the night... now time to help us help our toddler!

    Jenni Thebjjdoc Larson Avatar Jenni Thebjjdoc Larson
    August 20, 2019

    Kate Swanson was our sleep trainer and she was exactly what we needed and the right time. We had been through lots of sleep training before we found her. I was worried we had tried everything we could think of and my daughter was still taking hours to go to sleep and not sleeping through the night at 2 years old. I felt Kate listened to everything we had been through and tried already and came up with a plan that was exactly what we needed. This was a last ditch effort for us before baby #2 came. I wanted it to work but was afraid the sleep training wouldn't work just like it hadn't in the past. We learned what we had been doing wrong and what to change and had a different, positive approach this time. We saw a change right away and things improved almost nightly. We had the usual couple of bad nights after several goods nights as my daughter tried one last time to get what she wanted. But we pushed through and now we know how to get through sleep regressions. And I still have Kate as support when questions come up. This was an amazing experience and my entire family is sleeping more and better every night.

    Brittany Yurik Avatar Brittany Yurik
    April 2, 2018
  • I reached out to Hannah after my daughter hit the 4 month sleep regression in November. She became dependent on me to help her fall asleep and stay asleep for naps and nighttime sleep. It was taking me away from interacting with my 2 ½ year old and left me with absolutely no “alone” time. I started feeling desperate, anxious, and resentful living on such little sleep and with no improvement in sight. I was lucky enough to have met Hannah at a breastfeeding mothers support group in October, so I reached out to her after a particularly awful day. We began talking and soon decided to start a sleep training program tailored to me and my baby. After reading through the instructions, I was honestly pretty skeptical and unsure if I could follow through. The first couple of days we tried the sleep training we were inconsistent and I nearly gave up. However, my husband and I talked at length with Hannah, who reassured us and made us feel comfortable with the plan. With everyone finally on board, we jumped into the program and saw improvements within a week. I began to see that in order to be a good mother, I needed to lead and set the limits and expectations for my children’s sleep. Instead of letting the tiny humans dictate when/how they slept, I was finally acting like their mother who provided them with healthy sleeping habits. I quickly began to notice a change in my baby’s disposition once her sleep consolidated. She was happy, inquisitive, bright, and eager to learn new skills. Once the holidays hit, her sleep derailed slightly due to teething and visiting family. But since she had a sturdy sleep foundation to fall back on, she is back to “sleeping like a baby”. I feel so grateful to Hannah for her advice, coaching, and faith that I could see this process through to its conclusion.

    Justine Qualls Avatar Justine Qualls
    January 9, 2017

    positive review  After having Hannah’s coaching and overnight stay, my LO is now sleeping from 630-7a with one wake up to feed & we are only on day4! I anticipate she’ll be sleeping until wakeup within the next day or so based on her tremendous progress! She is nearly 5 months and was waking an hour after being put down and then 4-6 times overnight and often taking a bottle up to 3 times overnight and daytime naps were brief and unpleasant for her and we had a very overtired cranky baby (& Mommy Lol) before working with Hannah. I haven’t slept this well since she was born and neither has my baby! Very grateful for the coaching, guidance and support - we now have a happier family all around. So worth it.

    Sarah Bennett Avatar Sarah Bennett
    February 7, 2019

    When we found Hannah I was tired, exhausted and I thought my then 15 months old daughter would never be able to master sleep. She would still wake up several times at night and she would only go back to sleep holding on to one of my fingers in each hand. It had to be me sitting by her bed (nobody else would do) and I had sat there for hours, for every time she would wake up and for every nap she took. Since I am also very sensitive about my children crying I had thought I couldn’t do anything about the situation I was in. Hannah however came up with a customized plan that was suitable for our parenting style. And she provided a lot of support and assistance throughout the whole process. It wasn’t easy but absolutely worth it. After about 5 weeks of working with her my daughter has been consistently sleeping through the night. I am now able to just lay her in bed (following our bedtime routine) and she will go to sleep without shedding a tear. She takes great naps most days and is a happier toddler all around. Hannah was a God send for us! I would recommend any parent struggling with their child’s sleep to give her a call. It will change your life!

    Lena Sawyer Avatar Lena Sawyer
    February 10, 2018
  • Hannah is truly amazing!Our 4 month old went from waking every hour through the night and only napping for 20 minutes at a time during the day to sleeping 12 hours at a night and over an hour for each nap within a matter of days! We saw results instantly after the first night and each day got better and better. I was that mom that was so against sleep training or letting my baby cry, but Hannah created a plan I was comfortable with. She is very knowledgeable about babies, their sleep cycles and growth and uses all of this to make a sleep training plan that is developmentally appropriate. She supported us every step of the way- texting and emailing to check in and answer all my crazy questions. Hannah's help had not only improved quality of life for my baby, but for my husband and I as well. Her services are priceless! Thanks Hannah!

    Katie Wilson Avatar Katie Wilson
    September 22, 2017

    Hannah is simply the best! She is very specific, detailed and thorough in helping you get your little one the sleep they need. After a very short time with some help from Hannah we saw incredible improvements from her helpful suggestions. Highly recommend!

    Karissa Burton Keith Avatar Karissa Burton Keith
    April 7, 2016

    Hannah is a lifesaver! She is incredibly knowledgeable and so encouraging. My four month old baby boy was waking up several times a night and would only take one or two 10-15 minute naps a day. I had tried everything and was completely exhausted. Hannah helped me get Baby on a schedule and he now takes three solid naps a day and only wakes up once a night. A miracle!! It was hard work, but the sleep training I did with Hannah's support was worth every penny and worth the work. Baby is sleeping and happy, which means mom is sleeping and happy! The consultation and week of support Hannah provided was so helpful. I learned so much and felt so supported along the way. She's also so kind and fun to work with. My only regret is that I didn't hire her sooner! I highly recommend her!

    Paige Hancock Lunny Avatar Paige Hancock Lunny
    August 21, 2016
  • positive review  Working with Hannah was an absolute dream! Hannah made me and my family feel extremely comfortable throughout the sleep training process. My son was waking up 4-5 times a night and in less than a few days he was sleeping 11-12 hours a night! Hannah was also extremely knowledgable about his diet and answered all of my questions! I would highly recommend Hannah to anyone who is struggling with their childs sleep!

    Sara Saathoff Avatar Sara Saathoff
    September 3, 2018

    I really regret not contacting her sooner. EVERY parent needs Hannah in their lives. My nickname for her is "sleep hero Hannah." Never in a million years did I think my 5mo baby would sleep through the night or even be headed in that direction. Before Hannah, our son was waking up every 1.5-2 hours during the night. We tried every sleeping contraption. He slept in the boppy lounger, in a rock and play, then a dock a tot, and finally as is, in bed with me. I was so desperate for sleep that my husband was kicked out and slept in our guest room. Now, Logan naps during the day and sleeps about 11-12 hours total with one wake during the night *IN HIS OWN CRIB!* My house is clean, I can shower and get completely ready for the day, and most importantly, my husband is back sleeping in our bed. This experience has been life changing and that is no exaggeration. I definitely recommend text support. However, I am now having separation anxiety � Thank you so much Hannah!

    Nerren Nat Avatar Nerren Nat
    June 20, 2017

    positive review  Hannah and her team at A to Z Sleep Solutions are amazing! At 5 months old my baby would rarely nap anywhere but in my arms and was waking frequently at night. I read all of baby-sleep books; bought most of the sleep aids; sang all of the songs; used sound machines...nothing worked on a consistent basis. Then I saw that Hannah had a 2 week nap time sleep consultant package. It was the best parenting decision I had made in 5 months—after 2 days of sleep training my baby was napping for 1-2hrs,for each nap, on her own!! Hannah was very supportive and responsive during the entire 2 weeks (despite being 9 months pregnant with her 6th baby). She even answered a few questions I had about nighttime sleep. It’s been over a month since then and my daughter is still napping, consistently, on her own and sleeping 10-11hrs at night! I cannot recommend Hannah and A to Z Sleep Solutions enough. If you are beyond sleep deprived/losing your mind, call/email/DM Hannah right away. THANK YOU, HANNAH!

    Stefanie Bozeman Avatar Stefanie Bozeman
    November 7, 2018
  • Our little one hit a huge sleep regression around 3.5 months. She went from sleeping 6 hour stretches to waking ever 1-2 hours at night. She would cry until she was fed or until I caved and let her sleep in bed with us. After a few weeks of this and trying cry it out unsuccessfully, I thought we would never sleep. My husband and I were skeptical that someone could help us without even meeting us or knowing our baby, but we were desperate. Hannah gave us the tools we needed to help our little one fall asleep on her own with little to no tears. After following Hannah's plan we noticed results within days and now after a few weeks she only wakes once at night to eat. When we hit a little speed bump in her sleeping, we feel confident on how to handle it. This experience has been a blessing and mom, dad and baby are getting better sleep because of it. Worth every penny in my opinion!

    Alicia Therrien Avatar Alicia Therrien
    September 15, 2017

    My daughter is 14 months old and is as strong-willed as they come. Since she was 4 months old she coslept with me as well as dream fed but once she turned 12 months I knew we had to make a change because of all the broken sleep we got sleeping together. Hannah was truly a blessing and couldn't have come at a better time. I did not believe in the cry out method so Hannah put together a "gentle plan," that eased our little one into the night time sleep process. By night 2 our daughter fell asleep on her own and by night 3 she slept a full 12 hours. After her night time sleep consolidated I felt like a new woman because I was sleeping again and she wasn't cranky during the day because she had a great night sleep. We can't thank you enough Hannah for helping us teach our daughter what good sleep is!

    Rochelle York Tondreau Avatar Rochelle York Tondreau
    November 16, 2016

    Thank you for helping me figuring out the missing piece and getting my 7 months old daughter to sleep. She is my 4th and I really thought I had learned all i needed to know on the infant sleep topic. But exhaustion from 6 wake ups a night and unreliable naps brought me to your class. Now she is only waking once a night and napping like a champ! And it didn't involve cry it out. Thank you!!!!

    Jessica Franks Avatar Jessica Franks
    June 5, 2018
  • Hannah was a life saver for us! At 9 months old my son was only taking 30 minute naps and sleeping max 2 hour stretches at night. The very first day we implemented our personalized plan, our son slept through the night. Within a very short period of time our son was like a new baby, and we were finally getting some rest and a full nights sleep. I’m now 9 months pregnant with baby #2 and we will be using Hannah as soon as we can to ensure our LO gets off to the best start! Can’t recommend Hannah enough!

    Brye McKinney Avatar Brye McKinney
    June 20, 2018

    Our baby was a champion sleeper until she hit about 4 months and an ear infection coincided with a sleep regression which coincided with crawling and another regression... We finally turned to Hannah when our daughter was 6 months old and thank goodness we did! Hannah's schedule and tips really did the trick for us. Within just over a week our little girl is napping and sleeping like a champ again. And since she's getting such good rest, when our little girl is awake she is so much more cheerful and engaged. We are so thankful for Hannah's help.

    Shoshana Simones Avatar Shoshana Simones
    May 22, 2017

    Hannah is such a blessing and an answer to prayer! I thought since I had a toddler and been through the whole sleep thing with her, that I had it down, but I couldn't figure out our 4 month old. He was getting up multiple times throughout the night, and I couldn't figure out what kind of schedule he was on during the day. I was so exhausted. Hannah explained sleep to me, and how it works, and what things to do to best help baby to sleep. She gave me two sample outline schedules, that fit around my toddlers schedule, to follow. I was so nervous to implement the sleep training, but she was so encouraging and available. Each night I'd fill our our log for the day, and would have an email in my inbox the next morning giving feedback for the previous day. She would be so encouraging, and at the same time give me helpful feedback on how to alter it a bit for the day. It took a good week, but Kannon's sleeping totally adjusted and is now on a great schedule! He still wakes up a little more than I'd like (we're still working on it, and figuring it out) but it's so nice to know what to do to help change things, and that what I'm doing is right on track with what he needs. I don't know what I would have done without Hannah! It was worth every penny!

    Alyssa Bethke Avatar Alyssa Bethke
    October 11, 2016