Thank you for helping me figuring out the missing piece and getting my 7 months old daughter to sleep. She is my 4th and I really thought I had learned all i needed to know on the infant sleep topic. But exhaustion from 6 wake ups a night and unreliable naps brought me to your class. Now she is only waking once a night and napping like a champ! And it didn't involve cry it out. Thank you!!!!

    Jessica Franks Avatar Jessica Franks
    June 5, 2018

    We worked with hannah when our twins were 4 months old using her remote email/telephone package and her advice was life changing! Within just 3 days, our girls were taking regular naps during the day and sleeping through the night. She provided great guidance in real time (text messages during nap time when I had urgent questions) and regular email and phone support. She provided additional information about what to expect in the future and how to modify their schedule to their changing needs. I would highly recommend her.

    Shira Lawlor Avatar Shira Lawlor
    April 26, 2017

    I cannot thank Hannah enough for helping me get my 17 moth old toddler, from co-sleeping to sleeping on his own. I was the parent that could not stand the thought of my child crying himself to sleep but I was at my wits end. I searched for all kinds of answers and read many books. I also hired a "sleep coach' to help me 3 months prior to hiring Hannah, and that experience turned sour. You can truly tell that Hannah loves what she does and is not in it for the money. She gave us a few gentle sleep options to help me get my son to sleeping on his own. My son was sleeping 12 hours on his own for the second night. Hannah has always been there for me from day I messaged her on FB. Not only has she been there for me to help with sleep for my son, but many other topics/issues as a first time mom. She has helped me gain my sanity back. I feel rested again! I had no idea how being sleep deprived can affect almost everything in your life. With that being said, sleep is so important for the whole family. Message me if you have any questions.

    Katherina Lemos Skipton Avatar Katherina Lemos Skipton
    November 16, 2016

    My 7 month old was a terrible sleeper and would wake up every couple of hours throughout the night and wasn’t able to self sooth or put himself back to sleep. I would have to rock him, bounce him on a ball or breastfeed him to get him back to sleep. I tried so many different things and just when I was about to give up, I came across Dreambaby. I can’t thank Hannah enough for her services!!! She saved my life and sanity! Within a couple nights, my little guy was sleeping better and actually taking naps that were longer than 30 minutes. Hannah was so beyond helpful and gave me the strength and encouragement to get through the sleep training process. I can’t thank her enough for everything she did for my family!!! I would recommend her to anyone who is struggling with getting their little one to sleep. Thank you Hannah for everything!!!!

    Britany Huff Avatar Britany Huff
    March 15, 2018

    positive review  I took the nap 101 class and while it took longer for my little to catch on than i would like THIS REALLY WORKS!! First of all, having the small group to rely on was amazing. The techniques taught helped me recon gnome what does work and doesn’t work. So grateful to Hannah and her team!

    Sara Petersen Long Avatar Sara Petersen Long
    January 24, 2019

    positive review  Before I hired Hannah, my wife would drive our 18-mo. daughter around town for 30-60 minutes to get her to fall asleep. At night, our daughter would wake-up after 3-4 hours. When this happened, my wife had to transfer our girl from the crib to her bed to get our girl to fall back asleep. About 3-4 hours later, our girl would be up again after getting no more than 8 hours of total sleep. This lack of sleep understandably made our daughter into a cranky little person. Night 1 w/ Hannah - our daughter fell asleep on her own within 50 minutes and she slept through the night. Night 2 w/ Hannah - she fell asleep on her own within 10 minutes. She now puts herself to sleep within a few minutes and sleeps at least 11 hours straight each night. Her mid-day naps last approximately 2 hours with no issues at all. The increased sleep translates into improved behavior, better eating habits, and improved cognitive development. Just as important, my wife is getting better sleep! This investment into our baby's sleep was a no-brainer. I did expect the consultation to yield positive results, but I was not prepared for how immediate the results would be. I am completely satisfied with this service and I gratefully endorse A to Z Sleep Solutions with Hannah. Thanks again Hannah! Sincerely, Randy Krug

    Randy Krug Avatar Randy Krug
    September 4, 2018

    positive review  Samantha was such a pleasure to work with. We’ve struggled with our daughter’s sleep from the beginning. (She’s 22 months.) I’ve read books and Pinterest articles and talked to two pediatricians. But it wasn’t until Samantha gave us the tools and then empowered us to use them properly that we got her sleeping through the night. I’m so grateful we found Samantha and A to Z Sleep Solutions.

    Alicia MacNorth Avatar Alicia MacNorth
    June 6, 2019

    positive review  We hired Hannah at 4.5 months old. Our daughter was bounced to sleep for every nap and bedtime, because that’s how we coped with her colic. Even when she grew out of the colicky phase, this is what we had grown used to. Sometimes it worked, but more often than not, it took 2-3 hours of trying to put her down. My husband and I were at our wits end. I’ll admit, at first, I was skeptical. I didn’t want a sleep training method that allowed my child to cry for long periods of time. This was not at all that. Hannah taught us so much about my baby’s natural biological clock, how to work with it, how naps effect nighttime sleep and how to map out the day when you can’t be tied to the house for naps. It was more training for us than it was for our baby!! By night 3, she was going down for the night within 20 minutes, and only waking once a night for a feeding. Right then I considered it success. Our stressful evenings were finally enjoyable. We are now almost 6 months old and she’s sleeping through the night! Almost 12 hours straight! I couldn’t have done this without the training and support of Hannah. Thank you from the bottom of my no longer sleep deprived heart❤️

    Amber Cummins Avatar Amber Cummins
    September 1, 2018

    positive review  They really helped my 2 daughters (3.5 yrs and an 8 month old). Both sleep through the night now! Life changing.

    Kelly Dudley Avatar Kelly Dudley
    February 2, 2019

    I can't thank Hannah enough for helping us. Our son just turned one and for the last year he has been a horrible napper and never slept through the night (once after 6 month shots, but that was a fluke) he would always wake 10 plus times a night and I would have to cosleep and nurse him for half the night just so I could sleep for a few hours. I became angry and depressed. I felt like I never bonded with my son and distanced myself emotionally from him. It took 1 day working with Hannah to change that. By day 5 my son slept through the night! 6pm-7am! My son is happier, he's eating better, and developmentally he's already changed so much in just a week! (Letting me read him books, wanting to try to walk, actually playing with toys and not eating them) Hannah talked to me about everything! Nutrition, routines, breastfeeding, how sleep cycles work, and loads of encouragement. I thought "Sleep training" would make me even more exhausted, thinking I'd have to stay up trying to work with my son, that's not the case. It was easy! And fast! I now have this beautiful relationship with my happy boy. I couldn't be more blessed to have worked with Hannah. ��

    Amber Brundle Avatar Amber Brundle
    November 19, 2016

    Somewhere in a galaxy far far away, exists a place where babies sleep 12 hours at night, and 2-3 naps during the their crib! Some parents and babies find this place on their own, and that is fantastic. For a long long time my husband and I (I am using hubbys FB page) heard about this place, but it never existed for us. From about 4-5 months old, our daughter Emma had an 'okay' nighttime sleep routine (with us just winging it as first time parents), but at 5.5 months she flipped her little switch and decided to heck with sleep. Her daytime naps have ALWAYS been a challenge for us, she was a serial cat napper and needed to be held most of the time just to get in 20-30 minutes of much needed shut eye. Although she is a happy baby, she seemed routinely tired throughout her days. After 6.5 mon, we were back to being awake every few hours during the night to feed her (since that is all we knew to do) and/or rock her with her pacifier with hopes of getting another couple hours sleep before we do the whole thing all over again...just to start the day with a overtired baby and hold her for her cat naps all day. I kept telling myself it's a phase (growth spurt/ teething/ etc. etc. etc.) she will go back to her better nights, but it only got worse. Almost like never ending newborn status. My husband and I were beyond exhausted, and pretty much just going through the motions of life every day. I finally decided to look into sleep training. "Sleep training" can be a scary word when you don't know what it means or when misused. Often times there are assumptions or judgy mommy blogs to warn against it or that it doesn't work. can be hard to ask for help as a parent, because often times us (especially mommies) are our own worse critics thinking we have to know and do everything right, and the thought of asking for help can feel like you've failed. However, in reality, you are being proactive to help your baby. Please do yourself, your partner and your baby a favor and ignore all of the assumptions and contact Hannah. You need the right sleep consultant to guide you through this delicate process. Honestly, I initially reached out to about five different sleep consultants. Not only was Hannah well accredited and the first to get back to me, but she scheduled our consultation that same day, then followed up with me after in case there were any other questions. All other companies took a couple days to respond, and when you are sleep deprived parent, a couple days seems like weeks. To say it's a game changer is an understatement, it was truly life changing for us. I knew right away during our initial consultation (when Hannah finished my sentences for me) that she was the right fix for us. It was like she had been watching us for the past month because she knew the problems (and solution) with barely any information from me. One of many things I learned from Hannah is babies are always evolving and changing, therefore we have to do the same as parents. What worked for Emma at 4 months was not working for her at 6, and so on. Hannah gives you the tools for current and future milestones so you feel confident moving forward. We did remote services and took advantage of the text support (HIGHLY recommend). My first thought reading 'remote services' was how could a consultant do all this when she's not next to us and in another state? Well, she might as well have been next to us! Hannah was there with us every step of the way to answer our questions, reassure us, and fine tune as we went through the process. We even added grandma to the group text for guidance on Grammy daycare day! Hannah sent us our sleep assessment (WOW - eye opening) in just a couple days and then we decided when to start the week of training. Night 1 = Emma slept 9 hours uninterrupted, Night 2 = she slept 12 hours uninterrupted, and so on. Over just 7 days of consistent routine and guidance from Hannah, Emma is sleeping through the night, and down for 2-3 naps a day. She goes to sleep on her own, in her crib, no tears... yes it is possible. There were some tears during the initial change of her routine (old routine = we were doing EVERYTHING wrong) but her tears never went unanswered, she knew mommy and daddy (or grandma's) were always nearby and there for wake time to love and smooch and squeeze her to pieces. To watch such a positive transformation is nothing short of amazing, each day we watched in awe as our little girl exceled and got the sleep that all tiny humans crave and need. . For my husband and I: It has allowed us to be better happier parents. We understand our baby more and what she needs when she needs it. We wake not exhausted. We have an idea of how each day will go so we can plan accordingly and it's not a roll of the dice, which allows us sanity. We have dinner together, watch a show together, sleep together (at same time in same bed!), little things you sometimes take for granted. It is still seems odd at times to wrap my head around Emma needing and actually getting this much sleep, and not having this tiny person attached to me all day and night long. But it has become our new normal, and my only regret is not contacting Hannah sooner. My routine baby shower gift from now on = Referral to Hannah...You're welcome mama's! #EmmasDreamTeam #NewNormals #DreamBabySleepConsultant #SleepTrain #HappyBabyHappyMamaHappyFamily

    Scott de Borba Avatar Scott de Borba
    June 6, 2017

    positive review  I implemented Hannah’s advice at 15 weeks and should’ve started sooner. Up to that point he was waking and crying every 2 hours, and that left me crying all day. After 3-4 rough nights getting into a new routine, my baby is an awesome sleeper and never takes longer than 15 minutes for his bedtime routine and tuck in. He’s now 2 and tells me he loves me and “night night” when he lays down.

    Heidi Huff Avatar Heidi Huff
    February 4, 2019

    I first used Hannah for my toddler when he was around 18m and we were having trouble going from two naps to one. She easily fixed our problem with a few minor tweaks. Then I had my second child who in my mind was the worst sleeper ever. He would wake up multiple times during nap, multiple times at night, and I would have to rock him for an hour to even get him to sleep in the first place. I knew sleep training was hard though and I kept making up excuses on why I didn't want to do it yet. Come seven months later and I was going crazy with a kid who never slept and was always overtired. So I enlisted the help oh Hannah once again. She ensured me that we would have him sleeping in no time and I almost didn't believe her... I mean I can't get him to sleep in under an hour there was no way he was going to sleep on his own. I defiantly had my doubts and if it did work I figured I would be spending my nights listening to him cry and I would probably be crying too. I remember a few days before we started I went and read all Hannah's reviews because surely none of the kids she helped were as bad as mine. Wrong! I loved reading all the success stories and picked a date. The first night he cried 20min, the next nap 9 min and pretty much from then on he was falling asleep completely on his own with no crying. I was shocked!!!!!! In less than 24hrs my horrible sleeper was falling asleep on his own and staying asleep. I'm still in shock. I paid for the week of texting which was amazing, anytime I had an inclining of doubt in the program Hannah was there to encourage me. Within one week my horrible sleeper was sleeping 12hrs at night and napping 3-4hrs during the day. I finally can take a shower in the morning, I started eating breakfast again, and I even get to talk to my hubby at night! I still can't believe it, and I REALLY wish I did it sooner. My entire family is happier now that we all get our rest. Hannah is so amazing- I just can't say enough about her program and most importantly that it actually works.

    Tracy Holland Avatar Tracy Holland
    July 26, 2017

    Hannah is a lifesaver! She is incredibly knowledgeable and so encouraging. My four month old baby boy was waking up several times a night and would only take one or two 10-15 minute naps a day. I had tried everything and was completely exhausted. Hannah helped me get Baby on a schedule and he now takes three solid naps a day and only wakes up once a night. A miracle!! It was hard work, but the sleep training I did with Hannah's support was worth every penny and worth the work. Baby is sleeping and happy, which means mom is sleeping and happy! The consultation and week of support Hannah provided was so helpful. I learned so much and felt so supported along the way. She's also so kind and fun to work with. My only regret is that I didn't hire her sooner! I highly recommend her!

    Paige Hancock Lunny Avatar Paige Hancock Lunny
    August 21, 2016

    positive review  I bought the online toddler workshop and still need to make the time to do it buuut I can attest to Hannah Peterson helping our sanity with our little man! At 7.5 months Hobbes was waking 5-6x every night with my husband or I going in to comfort him and 2-3 of those times were me feeding him. Plus Hobbes' crying would often then wake our 4 yo daughter! We were all sleep deprived and miserable! Within a week after buckling down and following a more rigid nap schedule and bedtime and taking into account the nighttime temperature dip, Hobbes was down to only waking once for a middle of the night feed. Within another week Hobbes was sleeping through the night, a full 12 hours, night after night after glorious night! We have had a handful of middle of the night wakes with some awful sounding crying/screaming and my husband and I decided to vere off the steady course a bit and I've ended up doing a single night time feeding. However, each morning after the single wake Hobbes had a new tooth or two poking through. We did what felt right to us at the time knowing we may be throwing the "sleep training" out the window. Much to our happy surprise the nighttime wakes have only lasted 1-3 days while the tooth pokes through and then our 9 month Hobbes is back to sleeping those wonderful 12 (or sometimes even a little more) hours without waking! He's even practicing his talking or pulling to stand in the crib if he wakes before it's time for us to get him up! Thank you Hannah for helping us help our infant to sleep through the night... now time to help us help our toddler!

    Jenni Thebjjdoc Larson Avatar Jenni Thebjjdoc Larson
    August 20, 2019

    I met Hannah at a Q and A session she did at a mom group. I just want to thank Hannah for her ever so helpful tips! I was an emotional mess last week. Knock on wood this is night 3 now with no crying or tears to go to sleep. She rolls herself right over onto her side or belly and falls asleep within minutes now. I'm so happy! Thank you Hannah for the advice and the courage to keep trying! I feel like I made a friend in you. You make motherhood seem possible �

    Julia Chambers Avatar Julia Chambers
    April 27, 2017

    positive review  After having Hannah’s coaching and overnight stay, my LO is now sleeping from 630-7a with one wake up to feed & we are only on day4! I anticipate she’ll be sleeping until wakeup within the next day or so based on her tremendous progress! She is nearly 5 months and was waking an hour after being put down and then 4-6 times overnight and often taking a bottle up to 3 times overnight and daytime naps were brief and unpleasant for her and we had a very overtired cranky baby (& Mommy Lol) before working with Hannah. I haven’t slept this well since she was born and neither has my baby! Very grateful for the coaching, guidance and support - we now have a happier family all around. So worth it.

    Sarah Bennett Avatar Sarah Bennett
    February 7, 2019

    Our little one hit a huge sleep regression around 3.5 months. She went from sleeping 6 hour stretches to waking ever 1-2 hours at night. She would cry until she was fed or until I caved and let her sleep in bed with us. After a few weeks of this and trying cry it out unsuccessfully, I thought we would never sleep. My husband and I were skeptical that someone could help us without even meeting us or knowing our baby, but we were desperate. Hannah gave us the tools we needed to help our little one fall asleep on her own with little to no tears. After following Hannah's plan we noticed results within days and now after a few weeks she only wakes once at night to eat. When we hit a little speed bump in her sleeping, we feel confident on how to handle it. This experience has been a blessing and mom, dad and baby are getting better sleep because of it. Worth every penny in my opinion!

    Alicia Therrien Avatar Alicia Therrien
    September 15, 2017

    I was super skeptical, to be honest. I was just so fed up with wasting my money with professionals of all kind to help my little one. I am so glad I worked with Hannah! My quality of life as a new mom has improved dramatically! I started seeing miraculous results the very first day I started implementing the plan Hannah had given us to help my baby take naps during the day. I have struggled for so long and super maxed out on stress. I regret not buying the newborn package once my baby was born, it could have helped so much. Thank you Hannah!

    Brittany Simpson Lake Avatar Brittany Simpson Lake
    November 16, 2016

    Supportive, Insightful, and Results-Oriented! Hannah was a blessing. We now have a healthy sleeper and a greater understanding for the science of baby sleep. Hannah came HIGHLY recommended by two different families in our area. Up until Hannah, our 4-month old Gwendolyn was sleeping in an inclined rocker chair. She screamed the instant she was laid flat on her back in her crib, and we thought we might never get to her sleeping flat. Well, after the first few days we had Gwendolyn sleeping on her back in her crib during the day for 3 naps, and on her back in the pack and play in our room at night. She falls asleep for naps often in less than 3 minutes. We learned how to settle her quickly back to sleep when she wakes up. The first few nights and days were not easy, and we were told they would not be easy. The results now speak for themselves. In addition the results we gained, Hannah is just a nice, compassionate person who is excited to help you and very easy to communicate with. Thank you, Hannah!

    Chris Keeley Avatar Chris Keeley
    December 29, 2017

    Hannah is amazing! She gave me the confidence and tools I needed to crib train my 15 month old. We not only co-slept from birth but we also had a very erratic bed time (usually 9:30PM). With Hannah's help and plan my daughter was sleeping in her crib and through the night after 2 nights, going to bed at 7pm! We now have a consistent sleep schedule and I am forever grateful, especially with twins on the way. Hire her, you won't regret it and it's not nearly as painful as you'd think.

    Kelcie McCarthy Avatar Kelcie McCarthy
    April 18, 2017