class benefits
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Class Benefit
Class Benefit
Class Benefit

What does this package include?
- Personalized Sleep Assessment
- 3-4 Hours in person at your home
- You will also receive support, accountability, and years of experience/wisdom, via four – 30-minute phone calls throughout the week, for a total of two hours and two weeks worth of text messaging support, in which we will go over the activity/sleep logs to make sure everything is going well.
What if I need further support?
The two weeks of support is a vital part of the process in which to be able to address and resolve any additional problems that may arise. After a week if you feel you need further support, another week package can be added for an additional charge.
How does the Personalized Assessment work?
Your personalized plan should be used not only to help solve your current sleep issue, but the plan actually grows with your child and it can be used to get your good little sleeper back on track, whenever a setback occurs, whether that be due to holidays, vacation, illness, a mother-in-law, or any other situation that may cause a disruption in your sleep schedule.
Here are a few addons, please contact us for prices and questions
Travel over ten miles out of the Arrowhead area, may be subject to additional fees.
Add a twin for $59
Any Non-Multiples Sibling Receives 30% any Dream Baby Sleep Package
More Support
Add another week worth of support $75
Add 7 days worth of text support $97